It is important that our site visitors understand that any information you provide to us during the course of your visit to our site is NEVER sold or provided to any third party for any reason.  The information collected is used ONLY for its intended purpose.

1. What Personally Identifiable Information of yours is collected: 
General information for the purpose of determining the number of visitors to our site is captured every time you visit.  This information includes the IP Address of your Internet Service Provider, the type of browser you are using, the date and time you access our site, and the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our site. The only time personal information about you is captured is when you provide that information to us in the form of a reservation request.   

2.  What organization is collecting the information: 

The information that you provide to us is collected and maintained by Swan & Sparrow Travel, LLC, Franklin, TN.

3.  How is the information used: 

The information is used only for the purpose it is intended.  Under no circumstances will your email address, or personal information be sold to any third party, at any time for any reason.  We will use the email information ONLY for issues that pertain to the area in which you provided the information.  At no time will you be solicited directly from the site unless you have acknowledged that you wish to receive such information. 

4.  With whom is the information shared: 

The information is not shared with any other entity under any circumstance unless ordered by a court of law to do so.